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Appetizers anyone can make

Appetizers anyone can make
Figs stuffed with parmesan and wrapped in bacon

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Split Pea and Ham Soup

Split Pea & Ham soup
 with carrots, extra peas, onion, garlic and potatoes

6 cups water
2 pounds ham
1/2 pound of dried split peas
1 package of frozen peas ( I like Green Giant early peas)-end of the cooking
1 potato, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
3 cloves of minced garlic
1/2 of a sweet onion, sauteed in olive oil with salt and pepper, save until the end of the cooking.

First wash the dried peas in a colander and check for any small stones that perhaps got mixed up in the manufacturing process.  I've never found one, but wouldn't want to either.

Use a large stock pot or dutch oven, add the dried peas, ham, and a tiny bit of each of the onion and carrots.  Simmer over medium heat for 2-3 hours, then add the rest of the carrots, and the potatoes and simmer an additional 30-40 minutes until vegetables are done. 

When almost ready to serve, add the sauteed onions back in and the frozen peas, simmer 5 minutes, and it's done.

Serve with a nice salad and some fresh bread. yummy

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