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Friday, February 11, 2011

Flowers, Edible Flowers

Flowers, Edible Flowers  
Edible Flowers Chart

Edible Flowers-These varieties are safe to eat when home grown (Safety note, grow at home, make sure no pesticides are used and don't just eat any flower without making sure it's edible and don't eat flowers from a florist shop).  If you buy a growing plant from a nursery, be sure and wait for 1 month of growing time in your pesticide free garden to dissipate any items sprayed etc. at the nursery. These can be purchased at specialty stores labeled for culinary use.
Please read precautions before eating any flower
Always wash flowers/Please note the exact variety mentioned for safety
Note, some left out on purpose, due to easy confusion with poisonous plants. 
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Angelica BlossomsAngelica ArchangelicaSeeds, stems, Leaves, Flower PetalsLicorice flavor, celery flavorSeeds and stems are candied and put in liqueurs/Salads/fish dishes/ young leaves can be made into a teaRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Apple BlossomsMalus speciesFlower PetalsDelicatefloral aroma and flavorFruit Recipes, or candied as garnish.  Try them with my Fruit and Cheese appetizer with Sage HoneyDo Not Eat Apple Seeds

Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Arugula BlossomsEruca VesicariaLeaves, Flower Petalslight spicy flavor, radish taste/mild in young leaves, more pronounced in older leavesSaladsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Banana BlossomsMusa ParadisiacaFlower Petals-interior white petalsEat the center of the blossoms where the petals are almost whiteSouth East Asian Cuisines. May be eaten raw or cookedRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Basil BlossomsOcimum basilicumBlossoms, LeavesA milder version of basil itself, can be lemon, or mint, or licorice flavorSalads/PastasRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part

Bee Balm BlossomsMonoarda didymaLeaves,Flower PetalsThe red flowers have a mint flavor, and can be used instead of Oregano.Tastes like earl grey tea, can be used instead, SaladsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Borage BlossomsBorago OfficinalisLeaves,Flower PetalsCool cucumber tastePunches, mixed drinks, sorbets, dips, etc.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Burnet BlossomsSanquisorba minorLeaves,Flower PetalsCool cucumber tastePunches, mixed drinks, sorbets, dips, etc.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Calendula BlossomsCalendula OfficinalisFlower PetalsSpicy to Bitter, sharp taste is similar to SaffronSprinkle them on soups, pasta, rice, salads, herb butters.  Petals add a yellow tint to what it's cooked withRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Carnations BlossomsDianthus Caryophyllus or DianthusFlower PetalsYou can soak them in wine, or use in candy, or cake decorationsCarnation petals are used in the french liqueur chartreuseRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Chamomile BlossomsChamaeme-lum NoblisFlower PetalsSweet apple flavorTeas mostly/ garnishRagweed Sufferers may be allergic to chamomile

Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Chervil BlossomsAnthriscus CerefoliumFlower PetalsAnise flavorSalads, best if not cooked, as it loses flavor in doing so.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Chicory BlossomsCichorium IntybusFlower PetalsMildly bitter taste like endiveSalads, or pickledRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Chive BlossomsAllium  Schoeno-prasumAll Parts of plant are EdibleMild Onion flavorUse leaves to flavor soups, the Flower have a stronger flavor than the leaves, and the small flowers are the strongest./SaladsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Chrysanthemum BlossomsChrysanthe-mum CoronariumFlower Petals, LeavesA Touch of pepper with a mild cauliflower tasteLeaves are used for Flavoring vinegars, Petals only are used on salads, stir fry dishes.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Cilantro BlossomsLeaves, Flower PetalsStrong Herbal Cilantro flavorSalads, best raw, as they lose flavor when cooked.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Coriander BlossomsCoriander SativumLeaves, Flower PetalsStrong Herbal Cilantro flavorSalads, best raw, as they lose flavor when cooked.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Cornflower BlossomsCentaurea Cynaus* See usesSweet to spicy, with a clove like flavor*They can be eaten, but are most often used as a natural food dye, or garnishRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Dame's Rocket Blossoms   (often confused with Phlox, note-Phlox has five petals, and Dame's Rocket h
as only 4)
Hesperis matronalisPlant and Flower Blossoms are edible but bitter.Mustard familyBest to use just the petals in a pretty saladRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part

PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Dandelion BlossomsTaraxacum OfficinalisLeaves, Flower PetalsHoney like when picked youngChoose only the smallest newest dandelions, they are not bitter as the mature plant.  Use Raw, steamed or into wine.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Dill BlossomsAnethumLeaves, Flower Petals, SeedsTangy like the leaves but strongerSeeds-pickling/Leaves as herb, and Flowers as herb in Soups, seafood, dips, etc.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
English Daisy BlossomsBellis PerennisFlower PetalsMildly bitter, but very prettyGarnishment for a saladRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Fennel BlossomsFoeniculum VulgareFlower PetalsMild Anise flavorDesserts, cold soups, garnishRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Fuchsia BlossomsFuchsia X hybridaFlower Petals and BerriesThey are slightly acidicMakes a pretty garnishRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Garden Sorrel BlossomsRumex AcetosaFlower Petals  Tart, lemon tasteSalads, SaucesRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Garlic BlossomsAllium  SativumAll Parts of plant are EdibleStrong Onion FavorUse leaves to flavor soups, the Flower have a stronger flavor than the leaves, and the small flowers are the strongest./SaladsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Garlic Chive BlossomsAllium  genusAll Parts of plant are EdibleStrong Onion FavorUse leaves to flavor soups, the Flower have a stronger flavor than the leaves, and the small flowers are the strongest./SaladsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Ginger BlossomsZingiber Officinaleflower PetalsVery Fragrant, tastes gingery.Eat raw, or cook small new shootsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Gladiolus BlossomsGladiolusFlower PetalsVery Subtle, almost a lettuce qualitySalads, or as bowls for spreads and dipsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Grapefruit BlossomsFlower PetalsCitrus, and Lemon scented/Very Strong Scent-use sparingly. They are  waxySalads, garnishRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Hibiscus BlossomsHibiscus Rosa-sinensisFlower Petals-use sparinglyCranberry flavor with some citrus tasteSalad and Garnish, use sparingly/ teasRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Hollyhock BlossomsAlcea RoseaFlower Petals Very mild bland flavorSalads, GarnishRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Johnny Jump Ups BlossomsViola TricolorMild Wintergreen flavorSalads, Cakes, serve with cheese, drinks, soups, dessertsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Kumquat BlossomsFlower PetalsCitrus, and Lemon scented/Very Strong Scent-use sparingly. They are  waxySalads, garnishRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Lavender BlossomsLavandula angustifoliaFlower PetalsFloral sweet flavor of lemon and citrusPut in Champagne, cakes garnish, stews, flans, custards, etc.Do not consume lavender oil unless you know if has not been sprayed and is safe

Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Leek BlossomsAllium  genusAll Parts of plant are EdibleMild Onion flavorUse leaves to flavor soups, the Flower have a stronger flavor than the leaves, and the small flowers are the strongest./SaladsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Lemon BlossomsFlower PetalsCitrus, and Lemon scented/Very Strong Scent-use sparingly. They are  waxySalads, garnishRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Lemon Verbena BlossomsAloysia TriphyllaLeaves, Flower Petalscitrus flavorTeas, custard, flanRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Lilac BlossomsSyringa VulgarisFlower PetalsLemon taste, very fragrantSalads, and crystallized with egg white and sugarRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Marigold BlossomsTagetes Tenuifoilia, or T. SignataFlower PetalsCan be substituted for Saffron, slight citrus flavorSalads, and in place of saffronRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?

Marjoram BlossomsOriganum MajoranaLeaves, Flower PetalsA milder version of the marjoram herbUse as you would use marjoramRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Mint BlossomsMenthaLeaves, Flower PetalsMint flavorGreat in Middle Eastern dishesRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part

Okra BlossomsAbelmoschus EsculentusFlower PetalsAsparagus flavorPickle them when small, and then use them as your vegetable dish, either stewed or fried.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Orange BlossomsFlower Petals Citrus, and Lemon scented/Very Strong Scent-use sparingly. They are  waxyDistilled orange flower water is used in Middle Eastern Pastries and drinks.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Oregano BlossomsOriganum VulgareLeaves, Flower PetalsA milder version of the Oregano herbUse as you would use oreganoRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Pansy BlossomsViola X WittrockianaFlower PetalsFresh green or grassy taste-better if only the petals are eatenSalads, garnish, desserts, soupsRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Peony BlossomsPaeonia LactifloraFlower PetalsMild flavor, used for their appearanceIn China, a tea delicacy/Salads/ Float in Punches, etc.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Primrose BlossomsPrimula VulgarisFlower PetalsSweet, but bland tasteSalads, Pickle them,use as a vegetable or put into wineRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Radish BlossomsRaphanus SativusFlower PetalsSpicy biteSalads, or sauteedRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Rose BlossomsRosa Rugosa or R Gallica OfficinalisFlower PetalsStrawberries and green apples, some mint and spice flavor as wellThe darker the flower, the more intense the flavor,Try them in Ice cubes, syrups, jellies.  Don't use the white portion of the petal, it's bitter.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Rosemary BlossomLeaves, Flower PetalsA milder version of the Rosemary herbGood in Mediterranean Dishes, with meats, seafood, sorbets etc.Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Safflower BlossomCarthamus tinctoriusFlower PetalsMexican SaffronUsed  in place of SaffronRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Sage BlossomSalvia OfficinalisLeaves, Flower PetalsSubtle Sage tasteSalads, Garnish, Beans Corn Dishes, Mushrooms,or Pesto saucesRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Savory BlossomSatureja HortensisFlower PetalsHot and Peppery, similar to ThymeSalads, Garnish Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Scarlet Runner Bean BlossomsRhaseolus VulgarisFlower PetalsVery tasty petalsSalads, Soups, young pods are more tenderRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
PicturePlant or Flower-
Common Name
Latin NameWhich parts
are edible?
Snap Dragon BlossomsAntirrhinum MajusFlower PetalsBland to bitterEdible, but not tasty, use as garnishRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Squash  BlossomsCurcubita PepoFlower PetalsTastes mildly of raw squashStuff with cream cheese and roasted garlic, or your favorite stuffing for an amazing presentationRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Sunflower BlossomsHelianthus AnnusFlower PetalsAt the bud stage, it tastes similar to artichoke. Older flowers, flavor is bittersweet, and can be cooked like an artichokeCan be cooked like an artichoke as a vegetableRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Thyme BlossomThymusLeaves, Flower PetalsMilder flavor of the leaves, tastes like ThymeSoups, Salads, where ever you'd use thymeRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Violet BlossomsViola speciesLeaves, Flower PetalsSweet perfumed flavorSalads, desserts, iced drinks, cakes, and can be crystallized. The heart shaped leaves are edible as well, and good when cooked like spinachRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Yucca PetalsYucca speciesFlower PetalsCrunchy with a sweet tasteSalads, GarnishRemove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part


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