| | |
| Please read precautions before eating any flower | | |
| Always wash flowers/Please note the exact variety mentioned for safety |
Note, some left out on purpose, due to easy confusion with poisonous plants. |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Angelica Blossoms | Angelica Archangelica | Seeds, stems, Leaves, Flower Petals | Licorice flavor, celery flavor | Seeds and stems are candied and put in liqueurs/Salads/fish dishes/ young leaves can be made into a tea | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Apple Blossoms | Malus species | Flower Petals | Delicatefloral aroma and flavor | Fruit Recipes, or candied as garnish. Try them with my Fruit and Cheese appetizer with Sage Honey | Do Not Eat Apple Seeds
Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Arugula Blossoms | Eruca Vesicaria | Leaves, Flower Petals | light spicy flavor, radish taste/mild in young leaves, more pronounced in older leaves | Salads | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Banana Blossoms | Musa Paradisiaca | Flower Petals-interior white petals | Eat the center of the blossoms where the petals are almost white | South East Asian Cuisines. May be eaten raw or cooked | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Basil Blossoms | Ocimum basilicum | Blossoms, Leaves | A milder version of basil itself, can be lemon, or mint, or licorice flavor | Salads/Pastas | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |

 | Bee Balm Blossoms | Monoarda didyma | Leaves,Flower Petals | The red flowers have a mint flavor, and can be used instead of Oregano. | Tastes like earl grey tea, can be used instead, Salads | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Borage Blossoms | Borago Officinalis | Leaves,Flower Petals | Cool cucumber taste | Punches, mixed drinks, sorbets, dips, etc. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Burnet Blossoms | Sanquisorba minor | Leaves,Flower Petals | Cool cucumber taste | Punches, mixed drinks, sorbets, dips, etc. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Calendula Blossoms | Calendula Officinalis | Flower Petals | Spicy to Bitter, sharp taste is similar to Saffron | Sprinkle them on soups, pasta, rice, salads, herb butters. Petals add a yellow tint to what it's cooked with | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Carnations Blossoms | Dianthus Caryophyllus or Dianthus | Flower Petals | You can soak them in wine, or use in candy, or cake decorations | Carnation petals are used in the french liqueur chartreuse | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Chamomile Blossoms | Chamaeme-lum Noblis | Flower Petals | Sweet apple flavor | Teas mostly/ garnish | Ragweed Sufferers may be allergic to chamomile
Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Chervil Blossoms | Anthriscus Cerefolium | Flower Petals | Anise flavor | Salads, best if not cooked, as it loses flavor in doing so. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Chicory Blossoms | Cichorium Intybus | Flower Petals | Mildly bitter taste like endive | Salads, or pickled | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Chive Blossoms | Allium Schoeno-prasum | All Parts of plant are Edible | Mild Onion flavor | Use leaves to flavor soups, the Flower have a stronger flavor than the leaves, and the small flowers are the strongest./Salads | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Chrysanthemum Blossoms | Chrysanthe-mum Coronarium | Flower Petals, Leaves | A Touch of pepper with a mild cauliflower taste | Leaves are used for Flavoring vinegars, Petals only are used on salads, stir fry dishes. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Cilantro Blossoms | | Leaves, Flower Petals | Strong Herbal Cilantro flavor | Salads, best raw, as they lose flavor when cooked. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Coriander Blossoms | Coriander Sativum | Leaves, Flower Petals | Strong Herbal Cilantro flavor | Salads, best raw, as they lose flavor when cooked. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Cornflower Blossoms | Centaurea Cynaus | * See uses | Sweet to spicy, with a clove like flavor | *They can be eaten, but are most often used as a natural food dye, or garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Dame's Rocket Blossoms (often confused with Phlox, note-Phlox has five petals, and Dame's Rocket h
as only 4) | Hesperis matronalis | Plant and Flower Blossoms are edible but bitter. | Mustard family | Best to use just the petals in a pretty salad | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Dandelion Blossoms | Taraxacum Officinalis | Leaves, Flower Petals | Honey like when picked young | Choose only the smallest newest dandelions, they are not bitter as the mature plant. Use Raw, steamed or into wine. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Dill Blossoms | Anethum | Leaves, Flower Petals, Seeds | Tangy like the leaves but stronger | Seeds-pickling/Leaves as herb, and Flowers as herb in Soups, seafood, dips, etc. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | English Daisy Blossoms | Bellis Perennis | Flower Petals | Mildly bitter, but very pretty | Garnishment for a salad | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Fennel Blossoms | Foeniculum Vulgare | Flower Petals | Mild Anise flavor | Desserts, cold soups, garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Fuchsia Blossoms | Fuchsia X hybrida | Flower Petals and Berries | They are slightly acidic | Makes a pretty garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Garden Sorrel Blossoms | Rumex Acetosa | Flower Petals | Tart, lemon taste | Salads, Sauces | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Garlic Blossoms | Allium Sativum | All Parts of plant are Edible | Strong Onion Favor | Use leaves to flavor soups, the Flower have a stronger flavor than the leaves, and the small flowers are the strongest./Salads | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Garlic Chive Blossoms | Allium genus | All Parts of plant are Edible | Strong Onion Favor | Use leaves to flavor soups, the Flower have a stronger flavor than the leaves, and the small flowers are the strongest./Salads | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Ginger Blossoms | Zingiber Officinale | flower Petals | Very Fragrant, tastes gingery. | Eat raw, or cook small new shoots | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Gladiolus Blossoms | Gladiolus | Flower Petals | Very Subtle, almost a lettuce quality | Salads, or as bowls for spreads and dips | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Grapefruit Blossoms | | Flower Petals | Citrus, and Lemon scented/Very Strong Scent-use sparingly. They are waxy | Salads, garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Hibiscus Blossoms | Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis | Flower Petals-use sparingly | Cranberry flavor with some citrus taste | Salad and Garnish, use sparingly/ teas | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Hollyhock Blossoms | Alcea Rosea | Flower Petals | Very mild bland flavor | Salads, Garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Johnny Jump Ups Blossoms | Viola Tricolor | | Mild Wintergreen flavor | Salads, Cakes, serve with cheese, drinks, soups, desserts | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Kumquat Blossoms | | Flower Petals | Citrus, and Lemon scented/Very Strong Scent-use sparingly. They are waxy | Salads, garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Lavender Blossoms | Lavandula angustifolia | Flower Petals | Floral sweet flavor of lemon and citrus | Put in Champagne, cakes garnish, stews, flans, custards, etc. | Do not consume lavender oil unless you know if has not been sprayed and is safe
Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Leek Blossoms | Allium genus | All Parts of plant are Edible | Mild Onion flavor | Use leaves to flavor soups, the Flower have a stronger flavor than the leaves, and the small flowers are the strongest./Salads | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Lemon Blossoms | | Flower Petals | Citrus, and Lemon scented/Very Strong Scent-use sparingly. They are waxy | Salads, garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Lemon Verbena Blossoms | Aloysia Triphylla | Leaves, Flower Petals | citrus flavor | Teas, custard, flan | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Lilac Blossoms | Syringa Vulgaris | Flower Petals | Lemon taste, very fragrant | Salads, and crystallized with egg white and sugar | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Marigold Blossoms | Tagetes Tenuifoilia, or T. Signata | Flower Petals | Can be substituted for Saffron, slight citrus flavor | Salads, and in place of saffron | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
| Marjoram Blossoms | Origanum Majorana | Leaves, Flower Petals | A milder version of the marjoram herb | Use as you would use marjoram | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |

| Mint Blossoms | Mentha | Leaves, Flower Petals | Mint flavor | Great in Middle Eastern dishes | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part
 | Okra Blossoms | Abelmoschus Esculentus | Flower Petals | Asparagus flavor | Pickle them when small, and then use them as your vegetable dish, either stewed or fried. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Orange Blossoms | | Flower Petals | Citrus, and Lemon scented/Very Strong Scent-use sparingly. They are waxy | Distilled orange flower water is used in Middle Eastern Pastries and drinks. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Oregano Blossoms | Origanum Vulgare | Leaves, Flower Petals | A milder version of the Oregano herb | Use as you would use oregano | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Pansy Blossoms | Viola X Wittrockiana | Flower Petals | Fresh green or grassy taste-better if only the petals are eaten | Salads, garnish, desserts, soups | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Peony Blossoms | Paeonia Lactiflora | Flower Petals | Mild flavor, used for their appearance | In China, a tea delicacy/Salads/ Float in Punches, etc. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Primrose Blossoms | Primula Vulgaris | Flower Petals | Sweet, but bland taste | Salads, Pickle them,use as a vegetable or put into wine | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Radish Blossoms | Raphanus Sativus | Flower Petals | Spicy bite | Salads, or sauteed | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Rose Blossoms | Rosa Rugosa or R Gallica Officinalis | Flower Petals | Strawberries and green apples, some mint and spice flavor as well | The darker the flower, the more intense the flavor,Try them in Ice cubes, syrups, jellies. Don't use the white portion of the petal, it's bitter. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Rosemary Blossom | | Leaves, Flower Petals | A milder version of the Rosemary herb | Good in Mediterranean Dishes, with meats, seafood, sorbets etc. | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Safflower Blossom | Carthamus tinctorius | Flower Petals | Mexican Saffron | Used in place of Saffron | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Sage Blossom | Salvia Officinalis | Leaves, Flower Petals | Subtle Sage taste | Salads, Garnish, Beans Corn Dishes, Mushrooms,or Pesto sauces | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Savory Blossom | Satureja Hortensis | Flower Petals | Hot and Peppery, similar to Thyme | Salads, Garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Scarlet Runner Bean Blossoms | Rhaseolus Vulgaris | Flower Petals | Very tasty petals | Salads, Soups, young pods are more tender | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
Picture | Plant or Flower-
Common Name | Latin Name | Which parts
are edible? | Flavor | Suggested
uses | Precautions |
 | Snap Dragon Blossoms | Antirrhinum Majus | Flower Petals | Bland to bitter | Edible, but not tasty, use as garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Squash Blossoms | Curcubita Pepo | Flower Petals | Tastes mildly of raw squash | Stuff with cream cheese and roasted garlic, or your favorite stuffing for an amazing presentation | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Sunflower Blossoms | Helianthus Annus | Flower Petals | At the bud stage, it tastes similar to artichoke. Older flowers, flavor is bittersweet, and can be cooked like an artichoke | Can be cooked like an artichoke as a vegetable | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Thyme Blossom | Thymus | Leaves, Flower Petals | Milder flavor of the leaves, tastes like Thyme | Soups, Salads, where ever you'd use thyme | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Violet Blossoms | Viola species | Leaves, Flower Petals | Sweet perfumed flavor | Salads, desserts, iced drinks, cakes, and can be crystallized. The heart shaped leaves are edible as well, and good when cooked like spinach | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
 | Yucca Petals | Yucca species | Flower Petals | Crunchy with a sweet taste | Salads, Garnish | Remove bitter flower base, and just use the petals/Don't eat the stamens, the interior male part |
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